Top 10 Largest Domestic Cat Breeds

Bigger is better... when it comes to cats, that is. If you want a big kitty, check out our list of top 10 largest domestic cat breeds.

Cat-Napping On The Rise In The United Kingdom

Newly released figures show that cat thievery is alive and well in the UK, with a rise of 40 percent in the number of stolen cats reported.

TNR: What is It And How Does It Help Feral Cats?

What can we do to help the lives of stray cats? Trap, neuter, release (TNR): A program designed to reduce the number of feral cats living on the streets.

Top 10 Best Cats for Cuddling

Yes, it's true - cats are cuddly! There are some cat breeds that prefer to snuggle. Here's our list of top 10 best cats for cuddling.

Brushing and Bathing Your Cat

Rub-A-Dub – Should you be putting your kitty in the tub? You know that your cat likes to keep clean. She will wash herself several times a day –…

How to Control Your Cat’s Shedding

Even though it's normal for cats to shed, excessive shedding could indicate a health problem or high levels of stress. And shedding can get out of control.

Top 5 Online Resources for Cat Owners

It's just a mouse click away! The Internet may be full of funny cat pictures, but it also has a wealth of online resources for cat owners.

Budding Designers Are Invited to Invent a Prize-Winning Cat Bed

Design a sustainable cat bed with stunning good looks and you could be in with a chance of winning $1,500 and your design in production.

What Are The Most Commonly Overlooked Cats At Shelters?

Are you looking to adopt a cat? Perhaps you should consider the kitties that are most often overlooked.There are countless cats of all ages and breeds availa…

Top 10 Long Haired Cat Breeds

These cats never have a bad hair day! Boasting downy soft and luxuriant locks, these long haired cat breeds are bushy balls of kitty goodness.

Hilarious Police Account Of Cat Stuck In Tree Goes Viral

If you've ever owned a cat, particularly one who has a penchant for climbing trees, the police account from a town in Maine will have you in stitches.

6 Smart Tips for Finding a Lost Cat

Cats don't come with built-in GPS and will sometimes wander away from home. Use these tips for finding a lost cat to help ensure a happy ending.

Experts Say Canine Influenza Has Spread to Infect Cats

It's made the jump! Despite the virus being called canine influenza, experts have confirmed the virus has also been found in a group of felines.

What You Need to Know About Feline Anemia

Just like the human affliction, feline anemia needs to be treated by a veterinarian. Look for these symptoms if you think your cat suffers from anemia.

A Hairy Situation: When A Cat Hairball Is Normal And When It’s Not

HACK - the familiar (and dreaded) sound that precedes the famous cat hairball. But what can you do about them and should you be worried?

Understanding Your Cat’s Heat Cycle

If your kitty isn't spayed, you can expect your female cat to go through heat cycles. Let's talk about what it is and what to expect.

9 Signs You’re A Crazy Cat Lady

Hey, we've all heard the joke, and yes, it's kinda funny. That's why we're proudly embracing our Crazy Cat Lady title and inviting everyone to the club!

Unexpected Things That Helped Me Cope With Loss of My 17-Year-Old Cat

The grief of losing a pet can feel overwhelming at first, but little by little, gratitude for the time we shared starts filling the painful void they’ve left behind.

Study: Declawing Cats Has Long-Term Impact on Behavior

New research shows that elective declaw surgeries increase the risk of long-term pain in cats, which can mean increased risks of cats behaving badly.

How Much Should I Feed My Cat?

The term "Fat Cat" isn't reserved for shifty politicians. If your cat looks a little too round (or thin), it's time to evaluate how much you're feeding her.

Shelter’s “Kitty Bjorn” Gives Feral Cats Much Needed Comfort

Feral kittens in Boston are taking 'babywearing' to a whole new level, as they're toted ar0und in the cutest kitten carriers we've ever seen!

Comrade Cat Runs For President In Russia

First Russia... then the world! We'll be closely following the upcoming Presidential race in Russia, where Barsik the Cat has declared his "Cat"-diacy!

Injectable Antibiotics for Cats: Pros and Cons

If you cat is sick, you may be told that you should give her an injectable antibiotic. But is it safe? Here's what you need to know.

Paw Reading Is Japan’s Newest Cat Trend

Reading cat paws is a feline version of palmistry which hints that there's more to your kitty's jelly beans that just cuteness.

Cat Diseases: Two Infectious Illnesses You Should Know About

The more you know about potential dangerous cat diseases, the better able you'll be to treat and care for your feline. You may have heard of FIV and FeLV.

Top 10 Best Cats for Mousing

Got a mouse in the house? Forget the mouse trap - a cat is your best pest buster. Here are the top 10 best cats for mousing.

5 Purrfect Jobs for Cat Lovers

You never work a day in your life when you have a job you love. If you love cats, think about changing to a new kitty career like the ones we've featured.

Couple Offers $100,000 For Return of Record-Breaking Cats

A house fire left a Farmington, Michigan couple with only the clothes on their backs, and their Guinness World Record cats missing.

There’s a New (and Clever) Litter Box on Kickstarter Right Now

The Janar Litter Box at first glance appears to be a simple and well-designed pod-style litter box, but its simple aesthetic belies the smart functionality resting within.

What Does It Mean When A Cat Wags Its Tail?

Happy? Angry? Upset? What's your kitty trying to tell you with his tail? You may be reading the signs all wrong. What does it mean when a cat wags its tail?

Why Researchers Are Studying the Cat’s Meow

What's the meaning behind your cat's meow? Researchers are determined to find out with a new study being conducted at Lund University in Sweden.

Tubby Tabby Steals the Spotlight in These Wedding Pictures

This newlywed couple know what's makes a memorable wedding pic - a fat cat! Here he is, starring in these post-wedding pics in all his fur glory.

Our Picks of the Best Heated Cat Beds

Is your kitty looking for a warm, comfy place to curl up? You're in luck - we've rounded up our picks of the best heated cat beds.�

Nanny Rats and Orphaned Cats Break Ages-Old Stereotypes

A New York cat rescue is breaking species stereotypes by 'employing' the most unlikely of nannies for their tiniest kittens.

Pawsitively Awesome Back-To-School Supplies

A new year of school is about to begin, so it's time for back-to-school shopping. Ensure you snag a spot with the in-crowd with pet-related school supplies.

5 Feline Skin Conditions You Should Know About

Have you noticed any changes in your cat's skin and coat? These five common skin conditions can signal health problems in your kitty.

Crafting With Cat Fur? Yeah, It’s a Thing.

Looking for a hobby that will intrigue and weird-out your non-feline friends? You need to learn how to craft with cat fur!

Cat Settles in For a Silent Night in NY Nativity Scene Manger

During the holiday season, it's not unusual to see Nativity scenes. But in one New York neighborhood, passers-by came across a most unique Cativity setup!

Best Cat Chew Toys

Do you have a kitty that loves to chew? If� you need ideas to keep your feline's teeth busy, check out our list of the best cat chew toys.�

What Is an Umbilical Hernia in Kittens?

A rare condition, kittens can suffer from umbilical hernias. Here's how to recognize one in your kitty, and what you should do if it happens.

Man Fakes Death, Cat Overcome by Mehs [Videos]

Most cats seem to have no f#$%s to give when it comes to emotion for their humans. But one man set out to prove that his death wouldn't bother his cat.

A Quick Guide to Fading Kitten Syndrome

If you're working with young kittens, you'll need to know about Fading Kitten Syndrome. Here's what you need to know about KFS.

Why Do Cats Hate Water?

They just don't mix - put the two together and it may not end well. But why do cats hate water so much? We have a few theories that may clear things up.

Grumpy Cat Perks Up After Winning $710,000 in Court Case

Grumpy Cat is best known for her mean mugging, but if ever she’d smile, it’s because she just been awarded over $700,000 in a lawsuit claiming he…

Keeping Up With the Kattarshians Spoofs the Catty Reality TV Show

What do you get when you cross Big Brother with a bunch of kittens? It's Keeping Up With the Kattarshians, a 24/7 reality show that profiles adoptable cats.

Kitty Care FAQs: Quick Answers to 4 Common Cat Ownership Questions

You've got kitty questions, we've got feline answers. We've answered the four most common questions cat owners have asked us.

What Is Flea Allergy Dermatitis in Cats?

Whether your cat is indoors or outdoors, fleas can become a huge problem. And Flea Allergy Dermatitis is just one of the issues that you'll need to watch for.

4 Basic First Aid Tips For Cat Emergencies

Know what to look for before an emergency with these first aid tips for cats Knowing what steps to take during an emergency involving your cat can be the dif…

How To Introduce A New Cat To Your Feline Family

Meet the new kitty! Tips for ensuring all your cats get along right from the start Although it might be easy to adopt a couple of kittens at the same time an…

A Rescuer’s Advice on TNR, Fostering, and Adoption

The idea of cat rescue appeals to you, but there's so much to do - how can you help? We talk to an expert who spends all her time helping kitties in need.

Sure Petcare Microchip Pet Feeder Connect Is For Perfect Cat Food Port

Our pets are our family, and just like our human family members, it’s important that we watch the waistlines and weights of our furry friends. Often, i…

Popular Pesticide Permethrin Can Be Poisonous To Cats

It’s the time of year where we’re trying to keep the bugs off our bodies and our plants, but experts are warning that the pesticide permethrin is…

There's a Herd of Cute Cats Living Large in Disneyland

The resident cats, and there is around 200 of them, keep the theme park free of rodents, and get proper care and food in return.

10 Cats Spooked by Scary Cucumbers

Let's all agree that while refreshing, the cucumber is hella scary! Here are some scaredy cat reactions from Reddit's CatsandCucumber's subsection.

A Brief Guide to Feline Calicivirus

Have you ever heard of Feline Calicivirus? Known as FCV, this disease affects a cat's respiratory system and can be dangerous.

Low-Budget Cat Shelter Ad The Best Thing You’ve Seen Today [Video]

Animal shelters across the country are overrun with animals.That's why these shelter volunteers channeled their inner cheesy car salesperson cat commercial!

Weighty Facts About Feline Obesity

A growing (pun not intended) problem, feline obesity is becoming a worrying trend. If your cat is obese, here's what you can do to reverse the damage.

Feline Health: Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore

Don't write off your cat's unusual behavior as a cry for attention - it could be a cry for help! These symptoms could signal a serious health problem.

Scammer Shaves Regular Cats, Upsells as Rare Hairless Breed

A new Canadian scam involves selling 'hairless' kittens as Sphynx, but these kitties are actually common cats who have been shaved to the skin.

ASPCA Holiday Happenings Benefit Animals This Season

The ASPCA is known for fighting animal homelessness and cruelty. This holiday season, you can help too, with holiday shopping and contests!