Can Cats Eat Cheese?

Does your cat have a taste for cheese? Before you feed her a piece, you should know if cats can eat cheese.

What is Feline Acne?

Is that a zit on your cat's face? Can a kitty get pimples? As unbelievable as it sounds, there is such a thing as Feline Acne.

How to Stop a Greedy Cat From Scarfing Down Food

One of the most annoying things about cats has to be cat puke! Here's how a common household item can help your cat slow down when it comes to eating.

Purrfect Match: Study Reveals Cats and Their Owners Share Personality

Researchers confirmed that cats and their owners tend to have similar characters- and that pet parents are drawn to their furry kindred spirits.

PyroPet Candles Burn Down Reveal A Cat’s Split Personality

A unique candle from PyroPet Candles showcases the duality of our feline friends with a surprise skeleton that literally comes out of the burning candle!

Best Automatic Cat Feeders

Automatic cat feeders are heaven-sent for busy pet owners, picky pets, and cats that are on a special diet. These are the best 10 the market has to offer.

How Safe Is Your Cat From His Favorite Toys?

It's all fun and games until someone (or some kitty) eats a toy. There are certain toys you should be wary of letting your cat get his paws on.

The Luuup Litter Box Kickstarter Offers 3 Trays, No Mess

Never pick up cat poop again with the Luuup Litter Box. This 3 tray perpetual sifting litter system is just what finicky cat parents want in their homes.

Ear Mites In Cats Lead To Serious Scratching

A common problem, ear mites in cats are an annoying and painful problem. These mites are tiny insects that live in the ear canal and pierce the cat's skin.

Adorable Kitten Tries To Teach Old Dogs Some New Tricks

So much squee! A group of senior Chihuahuas has adopted a kitten into their motley crew, and we can not handle the cuteness!

4 of the Most Popular Cat Cafés in the World

Feel like drinking coffee with a cat on your lap, and you're a jetsetter? Be sure to visit these cat cafes if you're ever in these cities.

Kitten Album Covers Proves That Cats Rock!

Cats want to rock all night, and meow the rest of the day! We are raising our paws in the air like we just don't care for this kitten album cover art.

New Louis Vuitton Collection Is the Cat’s Meow

The world-famous luxury retailer launched an exclusive collection of fab accessories- and it was inspired by the designers' own pets.

Best GPS Cat Trackers and Collars

It’s a great idea to keep your kitties indoors, for several good reasons. But if you live in an area where it’s safe to let your cat spend some time outside, one way you can make sure she’ll stay safe and be easy to locate is by adding a GPS tracker to her collar. This type of product can also be useful if you let your feline friend explore your backyard while you supervise, in case she gets scared by something and runs off. And it’s also helpful if your pet has a tendency to run out the door even though she’s an indoor cat.

How To Calm A Hyper Kitten

Where does all the energy come from?!? They sure are cute, but how do you dial down a hyper kitten? Try these Zen-inspired tips to calm your kitty.

How To Prevent Boredom While Your Cat Is Home Alone

While the human is away, the cat will play - what kind of trouble will your kitty get into? Here's how to keep him busy while you're out of the house.

5 Ways To Go Green With Your Cat

Purrr-fect ways you and your cat can be eco-friendly You recycle, buy organic, and use eco-friendly green products for yourself, so why not make similar choi…

Best Cat Backpacks

Are you in search of a cat carrier that you can wear as a backpack to make it easy to transport your pet or head off on a fun adventure in the great outdoors together? Well, there are a lot of these products on the market today, so you can select the one that will fit all your needs while also giving your frisky feline a comfortable place where she will feel safe and secure until you reach your destination.

Tulsa Cat Brings In Cash For Local Homeless

A rescue cat in Oklahoma is giving his fellow homeless (humans) a helping paw by raising money being the most adorable kitteh ever.

Do Cats Prefer More Nutritious Foods?

The more nutritious the food, the more satisfied the cat! For a well fed and happy kitty, choose more nutritious meals at mealtime.

Dublin’s First Ever Cat Lounge Lets The Kittens Out Of The Bag

Luck of the Irish Cat! Irish kitty lovers are about to get their cat lounge fix, as the country's first ever cat lounge is now open in Dublin!

Canadian Veterinarian Medical Association Opposes Declawing In Cats

The Canadian Veterinary Medical Association is taking a stronger stance against declawing cats, calling the procedure unnecessary and avoidable amputation. C…

How to Bond With Your New Kitten

It's more than love at first sight. Start off your relationship purr-fectly by doing all the right things to bond with your kitten.

4 Fascinating Facts About White Cats

As fluffy as a snowball, there's something about white cats that we can't resist. Here are a few facts we found out about them!

Famous Fat Cat Who Inspired Meme Honored With Statue

Made famous by a meme, Istanbul's iconic fat cat, Tombili, was forever memorialized in a statue, on the very sidewalk where she liked to chill out.

4 Addictive YouTube Channels for Cat Lovers

YouTube was made for cats! If you're looking to be entertained or want to learn more about kitties, subscribe to these four addictive YouTube Channels.

Say Cheese to These Gorgeous Brides and Their Meow Maids

An Italian photographer has combined her passion for cats with her photography talent to create some beautiful (and furry) wedding pictures.

Survey Says Pet Parents Celebrate Their Pets More Than Ever

According to the results of a new study from Mars Petcare US, pet parents celebrate their furbabies with paw-tastic parties.

PetSafe Drinkwell Butterfly Water Fountain

Designed to not only rehydrate your smaller pet but actually entice him to drink more water throughout the day, the PetSafe Drinkwell Butterfly Water Fountai…

Why Food Matters So Much to Finicky Felines

Does your cat stick her nose in the air when you present her daily vitals? There's a reason why so many people think that felines are finicky!

Best Cat Weight Gain Supplements

Does your cat need to put on a few pounds? It's not as easy as it sounds. Here are our picks for the best cat weight gain supplements.�

Cat Plays “Where’s Kitty?” In Viral Twitter Image

A viral Twitter image of a hidden cat has driven the Internet crazy wondering, “Where’s the kitty?” Can you find it? Twitter user Michael…

Shelter Cats Are Learning To High Five for the Best Reason Ever

In effort to increase feline adoption rates and raise funding for shelters across the country, Cat Pawsitive program introduces rescue kitties to training.

Help Kickstart FoodieKat’s Catnip Infused Sushi Cat Toys

Tired of boring cat toys that line the aisles of pet stores? So is your cat, and FoodieKat's new Catnip Infused Sushi Toys are aimed to remedy that problem!

Ask the Animal Communicator: My Indoor Cat Wants To Go Outside

From the outside looking in, the life of your pampered indoor cat might look so sublime. But from the inside looking out, you may find yourself wondering i…

Holiday Trick or Treats For Your Cat

Spooky season is right around the corner and that can only mean one thing – it’s your kitty’s time to shine.

Best Cat Door

Cat doors give your cat the freedom and the independence they crave without compromising on the convenience- they can come and go as they please.

Why Is My Cat Sneezing?

Break out the tissues! Does your feline have the sniffles and the sneezes? Find out if your cat sneezing problem is no big deal or a big problem.

Zappos Aims To Give Pets ‘Homes For The Pawlidayz’

For the second year in a row, Zappos has partnered with Best Friends Animal Society to sponsor "Home for the Pawlidayz" to help pets out of the shelter.

What is Cat Scratch Fever and How Can You Avoid Being Infected?

A bacterial infection that can pass from cats to humans, cat scratch fever can make you feel a lot more than under the weather.

An AI App Helps Vets Diagnose Cats By Detecting Their Pain Levels

An Alberta-based company is developing an app that could change the way we see cats and their emotions. The innovative AI app is named Tably, and it aims to help vet clinics assess a cat’s pain more easily.

Why Do Cats Sleep So Much?

Our cats live the good life - they sleep until they're ready to eat or demand your attention. But why do cats sleep much of their day away?

Best Puzzle Games for Cats

How do you keep your cat entertained and out of trouble? If you want to train his brain, try one of these puzzle games for cats.

What You Don’t Know About Ringworm in Cats

Ringworm can pass from animals to humans, and make both extremely ill. Take the necessary precautions to ensure it stays away from your cat.

Best Cat Litter

Check out our comprehensive guide on best cat litter the market has to offer: from clay and crystals to wood to grass and wheat, we've covered all of them.

WISKI Cat Scratchers Are a Modern Alternative to Drab Cat Products

This April, be on the lookout for a Kickstarter campaign that features stylish cat scratchers created for design-minded cat owners and their pampered pets.

Study: Feline Hyperthyroidism May Linked To Carpet and Furniture Chemi

New research about the chemicals that are found in carpeting and certain upholsteries suggests that your cat’s thyroid may be in danger. Dr. Miaomiao…

Cats And Car Rides: How To Get Them To Mix

Cats are skittish creatures of habit who prefer to stay on solid ground rather than a moving car. Is your kitty equipped for your next road trip?

Help Celebrate National #FeralCatDay On October 16 With Jackson Galaxy

We can probably all agree on the importance of spaying and neutering our pets, but what about the ones that don’t have a home? October 16 is National F…

Does Your Cat Groom You?

Cats are hardwired to keep themselves clean - that's why constantly grooming. But does your cat take an interest in your personal hygiene?

Best Mice Toys

Keeping your pet active is important, and the right toys can help you rest assured that your kitty is getting the exercise and mental stimulation that she needs. Plus, playtime can help prevent boredom and frustration that might lead to negative or destructive behaviors. And one of the most popular toys for kitties is the classic mouse-shaped toy.

What Is Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome?

A condition that can prove to be uncomfortable in cats, feline hyperesthesia syndrome cause increased skin sensitivity.

This Instagram Kitty Goes On Pawesome Outdoors Adventures With His Dad

Have you ever seen a backpacking cat? Simone is a black feline that's defying stereotypes by exploring the great outdoors with his nature-loving owner.

You Can’t Unsee This Crazy Wall-to-Wall Cat-Decor House [Video]

Some people want to buy a fixer-upper; others want a house that's perfect. This house is neither... unless you are the ultimate crazy cat person!

Vital Vittles: The Benefits of Life Stage Diets for Cats

Bon appetite! From kitten to senior, and all stages in between, the right type of food ensures your cat gets all the nutrition he needs, when he needs it.

Interactive Cat Brush Lets You Lick Your Cat –Hairballs Not Included

Coming soon to Kickstarter - the Licki Brush, a new grooming tool that lets you groom your cat like a cat! Hairballs not included.

Kitten Fostering FAQs

If you love kittens (who doesn't), you may want to think about fostering. Got kitten fostering questions? We've got the answers!

Not-So-Crazy Cat Lady Leaves $300,000 to Her Kitties in Her Will

What would happen to your pets when you pass on? A couple of kitties in the Bronx, New York, won't have to worry because their mama willed them $300,000!

Product Review: Hagen Vesper V-Tower Cat Furniture

It's our first cat-related product review! Tester cat Boris (along with human slave Stephen Elmer) climbs his way to the top of Hagen's new Vesper V-Tower.

Science Proves Cats Were Perfect Even Before Domestication

Researchers claim that the domesticated cats we know and love today have little variation in genetics from their wild ancestors.